The San Diego Roast

The Roast

was 8 months ago

How This Party Started

In the fall of 2013 during the hustle and bustle of End of Year Holiday Parties, Award Banquets and bullshit…. Frank & RJ said, “Let’s do something different…. Let’s hold off and wait to have a party where we can celebrate the past year, have an adults-only prom-like party with an awards ceremony over a nice dinner and make it special” and so the tradition began. In January of 2014, The San Diego Roastwas born.

With the help of some key contributors like Toby Harris, Steve Barker and Ryan Lex… 7 years later and counting, The Roast has become the hottest, non-company event that everyone wants to experience. This annual event is an invite only and “What happens at The Roast, stays at The Roast

A Time to Remember

Dressed to the nines with bellies full of wine, we lovingly peer pressure each other into leaving it all on the podium.

Get on the Waiting List

The San Diego Roastis a private party. This non-company affiliated event is by invitation only. Please submit your name and information on the link provided and it will be reviewed by our Roast committee.

The Roast is a private event and has no affiliation or financial support from any third party. This Event is privately funded and all parties in attendance are coming at their own accord and are not required to attend.

© 2021 - Developed by Gavin Carter